Critical Reflection in Early Childcare: Enhancing Reflective Practice
Unlock the power of critical reflection to improve your early childcare practices. This course empowers educators with tools to assess and enhance their professional growth.
intro to critical reflection
Acknowledgement of Country
Your Facilitator
WHS and Housekeeping
Critical reflection what this video will touch on content-icon
changing of colours
How Critical Reflection supports the frameworks
The EYLF and critical reflection
Australia's National quality standards
How the National Quality Standards embed critical reflection
What does critical reflection look like in daily practice?
Daily reflective practices in early childhood education
Where to start
Evaluating and reflection
The Planning Cycle
Team Reflection
Individual Reflection
Team Leaders to Reflect
The role of Educational Leaders in building reflective practice and driving improvement
Involving families
Introducing 4 simple steps
Step 1 and 2
Step 3 and 4
Reflect again